Chiropractic Services Gift Card



A Gift of Health & Wellness – Chiropractic Services Gift Card

Perfect for any occasion! Don’t let your loved one suffer in pain; give him the gift of pain relief with chiropractic care.


“The doctor of the future will give no medication, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, diet and the cause and prevention of disease” – Thomas Edison

Chiropractic care is the perfect way to show someone you care with drug-free pain recovery solutions that turn on the natural healing processes. Dr. Pomplun and Dr. Beatty have developed a unique approach to treatment by incorporating massage and stretching into the treatment plan along with spinal manipulation.

Perfect for Someone You Care About Who May Be Suffering From:

Lower Back Pain                           Sciatica – Leg Pain

Neck pain – Arm Pain                   Headaches (migraine and tension)

Herniated/bulging discs              Spinal stenosis

Plantar fasciitis                              Sprain/Strain injuries

Arthritis                                           Fibromyalgia

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome              Muscle spasms

Numbness and tingling                 Joint pain (Hip/Knee/Shoulder/Elbow)

Rotator cuff/Throwing injuries    Frozen shoulder

TMJ/jaw pain                                   Back pain due to pregnancy

Tendinitis                                          Bursitis

Effectively treating patients of all ages, all the way from infants to the elderly!