DNS and Pediatrics

Never heard of DNS?
That’s alright, here are a few basics!
by Intern Chelsea Moldenhauer
DNS stands for Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and it was created by a group of Czech doctors and therapists at a hospital to assist in treating young patients with cerebral palsy. The basis of the therapy is movement patterns and developmental stages of babies, yes people observed how babies move as research! This research was then translated into developmental positions for therapists to utilize in rehabilitation with adult patients.
According to DNS, “motor control is largely established during the first critical years of life.” This is why this style of rehabilitation emphasizes neurodevelopmental aspects of motor control in order to restore dysfunction of the locomotor system, such as posture, movement, and gait.
In an adult patient, one way that we as chiropractors would use this is if, through a movement assessment, we discovered a “faulty” pattern that was causing pain. Through the use of the developmental positions, your body is able to adapt, recognize and then neurologically respond. This creates better movement patterns, increases function and decreases pain.
In a pediatric patient, the way we would use them would be if there was a significant delay in developmental milestones. During this time, transitions between the developmental positions would be ideal to create a proper neurological pathway and assist the infant to continue to progress on their own.