Author: chir0plus
Are you drinking enough water? Click below to find out! Stay Hydrated and Ready for Outdoor Activity
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June 2020 Newsletter
“If you ask what the single most important key to longevtiy, I would have to say it is avoiding worry, stress, and tension. And if you didn’t ask me, I’d still have to say it.” George Burns handling stress and anxiety
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The Power of Movement
Being consistently active helps you to live longer, have a better quality of life, improve your mental health, and improve your self image. Take charge of your physical and mental health in only a few minutes per day. Read more The Power of Movement, Living…
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DNS and Pediatrics
Never heard of DNS? That’s alright, here are a few basics! by Intern Chelsea Moldenhauer DNS stands for Dynamic Neuromuscular Stabilization and it was created by a group of Czech doctors and therapists at a hospital to assist in treating young patients with cerebral palsy. The…
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Kids Health to Boost Immunity
All-natural immunity support for children. Product information and to Purchase: Children’s dietary supplement. Product information and to Purchase: Daily drink with the antioxidant power of 20+ fruits and vegetables. Product information and to Purchase:
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Couch to 5K – It’s Totally Doable
Walk, skip, run – whatever you got – do it! The benefits of walking are HUGE! Movement in general is critical to our health. Have you heard the news? Sitting is the new smoking! Disclaimers: If you have a health condition, please get clearance from your…
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Healthy Superfood Curry Quinoa Salad
Author: Elizabeth Rider YIELD: 8 SERVINGS INGREDIENTS ¾ cup dried quinoa, rinsed well ½ teaspoon sea salt ½ teaspoon mild yellow curry powder 1 cup + ¼ cup purified water Dressing: ¼ cup plain unsweetened Greek Yogurt ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil 1 teaspoon apple cider…
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Chiropractic Care for Spring Athletes
How active were you over the winter? Are you ready to jump into your spring sport? Overall, being active reduces your risk of injury because of your increased strength, flexibility, and resiliency. Add in chiropractic care, especially if you’re starting a new seasonal movement routine,…
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